As a distributor we help local and international brands to get on the shelfs in any Nordic Retail chain.
We work with a large range of the most influential Nordic retail chains, trading local and global brands, ensuring the best marketing and positioning for our partners and their products.
Both from a brand as well as a product perspective we consult and execute on local adaptions and optimizations ensuring your product is targeted right for the Nordic marked.
Hitting the right price point and getting the best possible facing on the shelves.
Product Development
We also develop our own products.
Our latest product is our own edible cake decorating Dannebrogs-flag made of light chocolate which will be on the shelves from October' 2023.
Market Research
An important part of our services is a very thorough research when approaching a market with a new product and/or new partner. Our goal is for our partners to feel safe throughout the sometimes long process to get a new product listed, which requires serious preparations.
Co Operations
We are always looking for new possible partners for co-operational business – feel free to contact us if you have a good idea, a good product or a good name on SoMe that you would like us to develop together with you and make it a successful product/brand.
Private Label Solutions
Some partners are looking for private label solutions on some of our products and we are more than happy to also provide this service. Our in house designer can help with your design if needed or we follow your instructions. A Private Label is even possible with fairly low minimum quantities and can add a lot of value to your Brandname.
If you are a retail chain, a web shop or a brand looking for a strong Nordic development and distribution partner please do not hesitate to contact us here